Yearning for Simplicity

Hello everyone, I hope your doing well today.

As I write this first post, I'm feeling quite reflective and filled with a sense to put my thoughts here now. In fact, there's almost an urgency to set a tone for things going forward.

Recently, my family and I moved house and the entire experience has been revealing in many ways. These are the beautiful hydrangeas my husband planted in our front yard and I've been holding onto this picture for many years as a memory in time.

Time is now passing so quickly. I suppose it always has but for whatever reason, I feel it as never before. Maybe it's turning the page on fifty that has given me this new perspective or maybe it's all the changes and what now feels like such a long road behind me...but whatever the case-I'm feeling it.

As I packed up boxes for the move I was suddenly aware of everything that's been collected over time. Every item represented a memory, a reason and a season. So much of it went off to donation because the truth was simply that most of it was no longer needed or no longer a necessity.

Plus, I didn't want to drag the past with me to our new home and every thing I touched represented something I had to deal with. Where to put it? How to make room for it? Where should this or that go?

I thought for a moment about it and came to the conclusion that all these things had served their purpose and that it was just time to let it go. Time is just too precious.

Then something else happened. As I began to move my personal items into my new space I quickly understood that I still had too much. I felt surrounded by my things, as if not knowing where to start when walking into my new bathroom.

Instead of enjoying my new space, I felt overwhelmed.

At the same time, something has been stopping me from taking on new projects, hobbies and activities. Ever since the move, I've been hesitant and something has just felt off. 

Finally, I have seen that it's time for a change. It's time for me to slow down a bit and live with more intention each day. I need to reprioritize and bring in a new reality that allows me to feel more at ease in my surroundings.

As a result, I have began to simplify and in turn, am finding a sense of ease and a more positive vibe. 

By letting go of what no longer serves me I'm able to more easily identify what does. It's almost magical!

So, this is where I'm starting on this new journey in life. I'm looking forward to what lies ahead and embracing each day with more intention and purpose.

Slowing Down Can Be Beautiful